6 Ideas to Enhance the ATM Machine Experience With Regard to Clients

ByJon J Nestorovic

In 1967 a Barclays bank located in England opened the first ATM, or automatic teller machine. Also commonly referred to as a cash machine, or as a bank machine, ATMs are widely used. Many individuals who use an ATM do so for the sole purpose of taking money from their current savings account, or their current checking account. Phone bills, and also utility bills, among other things, can be paid through the use of an ATM.

Bank customers are accustomed to the services provided by ATMs, and now consider them essential. The entire industry of banking was revolutionized by the ATM. People no longer had to stand in long lines to access money in the bank. Appreciated by many people was the fact that they had access to all of their funds even if the bank was not open. The customer experience when using an ATM could still receive improvements.

These six recommendations are areas that could use improvement with bank machines:

1. Availability of Functioning ATMs:

There can be problems with ATMs, which make them unavailable, and cause great frustration amongst customers. In many cases this is because the bank has employed an old ATM system that is outdated. It is a very important expectation of customers that ATMs are always able to be accessed, and fully operational.

2. Cleanliness and Hygiene of ATMs:

One of the most disturbing experiences in ATM customer can have is to attempt access of the machine that is covered in oil and grease from another person's food. A number of bank machines are commonly used as waste bins for all manner of trash. Banks should keep the areas around ATMs well maintained and clean. This improves the experience of customers using those machines.

3. Ease of Access to ATMs:

Sometimes it can be difficult to physically reach certain ATM machines. Any ATM machine should be easily accessed by all people. It is also important that the size of the text on screen is large enough.

4. Elimination of Fees and Charges

One of the more recent and welcomed trends in bank machine access is the elimination of bank charges and fees when using the machine. While these are good steps, not all bank machines employ them, and some still charge very large fees to access funds.

5. Privacy, Safety, and Security of Customers and Their Money:

An important consideration for many individuals is their privacy, as they do not want others to see how much cash they have taken, or what their pin code is. Many times you can find ATMs that is not in a safe area which concerns a great many people. The security of individuals is also of concern, as a thief only needs to find a person by themselves in order to rob them.

6. Sufficient Cash Stocked In Machines:

It is extremely frustrating when you stand in line to access your ATM only to discover that it is empty of cash. It should be a priority of every bank to make sure that there will always be enough cash in their ATMs.

Bank machines and ATM machines quote in Toronto work well a majority of the time, and most customers are satisfied.

It is important for banks and automated teller machine services make sure that machines are properly serviced, accessible, and most importantly clean.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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