Financial Freedom - Is It Possible Today?

When most of us think of financial freedom, we conjure up visions of complicated financial strategies. Financial institutions, banks, investment firms, your rich uncle, all claim they have the answer to your financial security. If you dig just a little deeper, you will find they are really more concerned with their own bottom line. Anyone can give you their best guess about what course of action will lead you to the promised land of financial freedom.

In all reality, financial freedom is a concept that lives in the mind of the individual. There is no exact route or procedure to follow. That is what makes "financial freedom "seem fleeting and always just over the horizon. Each individual views the notion of being freed from daily grind, from a different perspective. A young person may feel financially free after getting their first paycheck from a new job. Many elderly people feel free after they receive their first retirement check. A very successful business deal or a bank account with a high dollar amount will set off feelings of financial freedom and well-being.

Financial Freedom is a state of mind which is clearly recognized by advertisers, advisers, marketers and media. If you are paying attention, you can see the subtle and not so subtle hints all around you. Just open your e-mail program and see how many of your emails are related to your desire for financial independence. Most forms of advertising include this element at some point in their campaigns. The promise and allure money pouring in from all directions with little or no effort on your part is almost irresistible.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, there are numerous examples of people, young and old, who have hit the jackpot. Who seem to have been handed opportunity and success. If you dig deeper, in most cases, there is more to the story. Anytime that a monetary transaction is being made, there is a system in place to co-ordinate that transaction. Financial freedom is only possible when that system is maintained and working properly. A great deal ingenuity, time and effort go into creating a properly functioning system. The system includes a continuous revenue source, a source for residual income, the ability to adjust as income streams change and a budget that balances the inflow and outflow.

Imagine yourself setting up such a system. Start with a product or service that you believe adds value to you and your customer's lives. Look closely at other systems that are already in place for that type of service or product. Is there a niche that has been left open? Can you visualize a way to improve on your competitors efforts? Mentally build a system and consider as many factors as possible. Stretch the limits of what you know and when you reach your own limits dig deeper. The internet is an incredible resource for knowledge formation and resource building.

The use of computers and the internet have greatly enhanced our ability to create these systems and to spread them across the web as online businesses. There is no doubt in my mind that financial freedom is available to anyone willing to put in the time and effort. The tools are all around us and one has but to pick up and use them. In fact making and supplying the tools and systems can be a source of financial independence. Next time you see an email or read an advertisement, dig a little deeper. See if you can recognize the system that is in play. Can you use this system to your advantage? Can you create your own system using parts from this system?

Use this mental exercise to sharpen your skills eventually you will create your own financial freedom.

Larry Bales
Visit as an example of a system that is well presented or visit my site at Find a system that works for you and you will find financial freedom.

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