Boycotting Tabloids As A Form Of Journalism

In an era where news is instant and more people are calling themselves journalists than ever before, the dozens of journalistic outlets that exist on television, the internet and in print vary wildly in their degrees of legitimacy. No so-called news outlet is less trustworthy or has a lower level of journalistic integrity than tabloid journalism.

The great Hunter S. Thompson once said, "Journalism is neither a profession nor a trade, it's a catch-all for misfits and screw-ups." While this may be an extreme interpretation of a typical writer, it seems to be an accurate assessment of the state of tabloid journalism. Here are three legitimate reasons that you should avoid tabloids at all costs.

It's Never True

Although they may be good for a few laughs while you're passing the time waiting for your turn to buy overpriced groceries, the truth is that tabloids almost never are. While it would be fun and a bit exciting to believe that a monkey boy is on the loose in New York City or a woman in rural Arkansas has lived in wedded matrimony to an alligator for 15 years, 99% of the stories are entirely implausible.

It Separates You from Reality

It's one thing to take an occasional glance at a tabloid cover while waiting in line, it's quite another to purchase a tabloid and read it cover to cover. While you may be entertained, you will be subconsciously filling your mind with things that a productive and level headed person should not be ingesting. Smart people steer clear of opening a tabloid much like marathon runners steer clear of drinking gravy before a race.

It Costs Way Too Much

Tabloid news is pretty much for entertainment purposes and so long as people really know that then if they wish to spend their money on nonsense that is their business. However, it is important to know the difference, as people do need to be aware that tabloid news is hardly real and is not a reliable source of news or real events happening in the world. People who buy one tabloid and end up enjoying what they see are bound to want to test the waters of other tabloid publications, which typically cost about three or four dollars each. Multiply four dollars times three or four major tabloids, and you have a person that is spending nearly twenty dollars a week on fake news.

Britney Fuller is a writer who enjoys sharing her knowledge and advice with readers. For more on tabloids, MFDL offers readers information on journalism.

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