Buddhist Mandalas

Although humans create these pieces, the idea behind Buddhist mandalas come directly from the gods, as they find their homes in the centers of these intricate circles. Every line, shape and color brings a person one step closer to total enlightenment. Each and every single mark is made for a reason, there are no accidents in the creation of mandalas. Instructions and patterns for many have been handed down with great care through many generations.

Individuals who create mandalas are said to have unparalleled peace as they are very privileged to have received instructions on how to make them. Although there are a lot of details to be explored if you want to be fully educated on Buddhist manuals, there are some basics that you can learn that will shed some light on them and make them a bit easier to understand.

Buddhist Cosmic mandalas are primarily those that are frequently used in meditation. They offer knowledge of the world system, the universe and beginning of time. This variety offers a three-footed spiral in the center that represents wind, which is one of the basic elements. The entire mandala is then contained in a circle of flames. Fire represents transformation, the gaseous state is symbolized by wind and air, Earth represents solid matter and water is liquid.

The sun, moon, seasons, heavenly bodies and emergence of continents are all symbolized on these types of mandalas as well. Mandalas of Medicine is an additional variety that represents power being offered by Buddha in all directions.

You may or may not be familiar with the term sku asun thug rten which refers to the Tibetan Buddhist traditions of observing religious works in art as one universal piece. Support is translated from rten where sku rten refers to body supports. On the Buddhist pantheon, this basically reflects images of saints, gods or even Buddha himself.

Sutras and trantras are translated from the scriptures as gsun rten, also referred to as the speech supporter. Tibetan Buddhism even offers translations to cover spiritual embodiment (mind supporters) as well as sacred geometry (center-circumstance).

This all basically means that reaching forth to become one with the gods is represented in the mandala's circumference while the essence of everything, including all desired answers, is housed in the center of the piece.

There are religious rites that are considered in the construction of Tibetan mandalas. A sand mandalas begin the very moment that a monk enters discernment and it continues to grow with him along his journey until he reaches total enlightenment. At this time, the sand mandala is then poured into a nearby body of water to be returned to the Earth to complete the Circle of Life.

One's place on Earth along with the enlightened Buddhist deity are represented in the Buddhist mandala. As mentioned, every portion of a mandala including lines and colors are chosen and created for a reason. If you want to find yourself closer to the heart of Buddha, make the time to meditate on one of these mandalas.

Epouna creates art and explores mandalas and their meaning at Meaning of Mandalas.

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