Saving Grace

I was burnt but I rose from the ashes
he held my hand
I was drenched in the rain, yet he covered me
kept me warm in the cold

I may be thrown in the wilderness
bread and water I have none
but his words are a lamp unto my feet
a light unto my path

I've been hypnotized by the world's pleasures
but You accepted me anyway
showered me with mercy
I've fallen in the arms of slavery
but You freed me from the chains
redeemed me from death

Yes you are invincible
but never far from me
tempt me in the desert
but in Your pillars I'll never lose my grip

The crown of thorns in your head
the heavy cross you had
in streets of suffering you trudged 'cause of me
for in your love I'm saved

Am I living inside a sphere of glass?
All I can do is breathe
Am I walking in circles without You?
That even breathing is hard to do

Can I run wild and free
My heart beats slowly
Every beat is also pain
And in every breath I exhale

But I know, You are the God who heals
And each morning it reveals
You are my life support; make my heart beat as Yours
Restore to me my strength, You are my life

Just before I came to know you, all I have was emptiness
My life was without direction, no purpose to live
Every day is all the same, just like chasing the wind
Life to me was vanity, no security

But then I came to know you, you gave me happiness
My life now has direction and purpose to live
Day after day is fresh and new because I am with you
You take my hand, then lead me, and tell me that you love me

I love you, as you love me
I need you as you want me
I desire just to stay with you everyday
Every hour, every minute means joy
It means joy to me

There's nothing in this world that can ever take your place in my heart
Never will you and I separate
I want you, I need you, I want to be with you forevermore

With you I am free
With you I am healed
Nothing compares to your love
An unconditional love
that strengthens my soul

You mold me
You make me whole

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